Custom WordPress theme for manufacturer of industrial wipes in East Yorkshire

Case Study: Dirteeze custom WordPress theme

We developed a WordPress theme that simplified the process of creating and updating a lightweight and responsive online product catalogue and website.

Example of custom WordPress theme for East Yorkshire business

A&S Design Associates came to us for help with developing a new website for their client Dirteeze, who make eco-friendly industrial wipes. In their quest to gain market share Dirteeze needed a fast and responsive website to showcase their portfolio of products. This includes an innovative range of wipes made from 100% biodegradable and sustainable bamboo fibres that outperform traditional synthetic wipes.

A&S provided us with design visuals from which we developed a custom WordPress theme based on a typical category and product hierarchy. A more obvious approach might have been to leverage the functionality of an off-the-shelf shopping cart system like WooCommerce. However, following discussions with Dirteeze it became clear that despite the potential cost benefits, this wasn’t really an appropriate solution for them.

Although WooCommerce is a great product and one we recommend for conventional e-commerce websites, it would have been overkill in this particular case. Many of the features that WooCommerce provides would have been totally redundant, making it difficult to justify the resulting overheads. Not only would it increase the amount of code, but it would introduce unnecessary complexity in the administration user interface.

Instead we developed a custom WordPress theme that incorporated enough basic functionality to simplify the process of creating and managing the product pages. The result was a site that loads quicker and is faster and easier to update than it might have otherwsie been had we deployed a more generic solution.

Art & Soul worked closely with us on the project, recommending a custom WordPress theme which worked well with our initial Dirteeze website designs. The final result has seen a significant increase of viewer visits.

Tony Singleton graphic designer from East Yorkshire

Tony Singleton

Creative Director · A&S Design Associates Ltd