Introducing Art & Soul
I’m Duncan McMillan and Art & Soul is the company that I set up back in 1999 when I left my graphic design job to start freelancing. I haven’t looked back since.
I published my first website 25 years ago. In that time I’ve built hundreds more and spent thousands upon thousands of hours pushing pixels around a screen, writing code and overcoming challenges which at times seemed insurmountable.
I’ve seen tools, technologies and design trends come and go but the one thing that’s always held true is that a good website can transform your business. At its most effective, a website will work hard for you 24/7—generating qualified leads for your business, increasing customer engagement and making sales. The potential for return on investment is huge. But it doesn’t happen on its own. Launching a website is just the beginning.
For a website to do its job properly you’ll have to consistently publish high quality, relevant content, promote it to the right audience, optimise for search engines so that new customers can discover your site and, of course, keep your website’s software up-to-date and secure.
It’s not easy—and it’s no surprise that so many websites are often left languishing in the doldrums just a few months after their big launch. I’ve seen it happen so many times—business owners get so focussed on the process of building and launching their website they forget to think beyond that first major milestone and fail to plan for the months and years to come. The commonly held assumption that “build it and they will come” is, sadly, a fallacy. But that’s something I can help you with.
When I deliver a new website, making sure the client is prepared for the journey ahead is all just part of the service. That might be in the form of an “owners manual” for your new website, it could be in-person coaching or it might be a fully hands-on service where I carry out the work on your behalf. Ultimately it will depend on the level of support that you need and the resources that you have to hand.
And there are myriad other ways I can help you as well. The smart application of internet technology can help make your business more productive and more profitable. If that’s something that interests you then have a look around the site and get a feel for what we can do.
If you‘ve got any questions, need some advice, or if there’s a particular problem you want some help with—jot it down in an email and send it to me at Or just hit me up using one of the forms on this website. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for sticking with me this far, enjoy the rest of your visit and I hope we can speak in person soon.